Happy Anniversary!

wedding Today is my oldest daughter’s wedding anniversary. Fifteen years! Wow a lot has happened during that time span. Loss, joy, new jobs, a baby girl (our first grandchild), and through it all they have been active in the church serving and sharing and her husband, Jeran, has put up with a preacher for father-in-law. Let me tell you that is a burden to bear. Being thrown into church life and expectations of serving and going when that is not something you really thought would be part of your life. Thanks Jeran you do a lot even when not asked!

So just a moment for prayer: Dear Father, today I ask for your blessings upon this couple. I give thanks for their lives and the many joys they have brought to our family. May our Savior grant them joy! May He deepen your love for each other. May He bless you and give you peace for many anniversaries to come. May Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Bless us all, And keep us in His love for ever and ever.
