Well it’s been a year of blogging. I hope you have found my small thoughts of some use during your day(s). Even now take a moment to pause and consider your own walk along this path (Halak). Why? Because together we can change lives for our Savior! Pray with me now…
Dear God, help us to live out the Good News in our homes, places of worship, and our work environments. We pray for those who do not know your love. Form us into a community that builds relationships despite ethnicity, biology or even nationality. A family born again in you our Savior. May we be creators of holy chaos and may we subvert comfort…a people that do not accept the world as it is but insists on its becoming what You desire for this world. Let us groan with anticipation for the Kingdom to come here on earth as it is in heaven. We can do this! Amen.
Your Fellow Pilgrim on the path for one more year!
via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/09/10/one-year/