February 19

West of my home is this sign which is dedicated to the Americans of Japanese ancestry that were brought here before being sent to a detention center. I go by it almost weekly. I pay little attention to the sign. I know its there but often I forget what it says. Let me remind us all. On February 19, 1942 President Franklin Roosevelt signed an executive order for the displacement of one hundred and twenty thousand Americans to internment camps. “Camp Pinedale” was an assembly area that opened the March after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The camp could house a total of 4,823 evacuees before being moved to a more permanent location.

Oscar Romero, martyred Archbishop of El Salvador once said, “Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty.”

Dear Father, we can not change what has been done before. But please help us Savior not to repeat the sins of the past. Keep us from persecuting others out of ignorance. Keep us a loving people willing to stand by and for others and not be silent or willing to be ignorant, to not forget what has been done before. Give us peace. Amen.


I was sitting in front of my TV when the news showed the Coptic Christians being paraded, forced to kneel and then martyred. As my eyes clouded and I lifted a prayer for all our brothers and sisters across the world facing persecution Hagar came to mind, the second wife of Abraham. I remembered how she conceived a son and then Sarah, Abraham’s first wife became bitter and resentful.

You must be asking yourself why would that scripture come to mind? Well as Hagar ran into the wilderness scared, afraid and feeling alone she cried out. As a result of her terror and loneliness the angel of the Lord came to her and reassured her she would bear a son and to name the child Ishmael (“God hears”). Hagar responded by crying out to God “El-roi” the “God who sees.” Point? We are not alone God is with us.

Today we pause and bow our heads in prayer. Today we give thanks that You do not abandon us to hopelessness. You were with those men as they died. You are with all those around the world standing firm for Christ the Savior. The dark will always try to envelop the light but we read, “They conspire against the life of the just: and condemn the innocent to death. But the LORD has become my stronghold: and my God the rock of my trust. He will turn their wickedness back upon them and destroy them in their own malice..” Psalm 94:21-23

Dear God, watch over these your children and help us to not use cultural and religious differences as an excuse for injustice, an excuse to persecute. Keep us on the path of service, of forgiveness of walking in the light. Thank you for being the God that “sees” all things, and will one day make all things right, thank you for being the God who “hears” our cries while we wait. Amen.

via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/02/18/el-roi/


Last week the family down the street from us had an estate sale. The children gathered all their parent’s stuff, piled it on the front lawn. Put out a sign and waited for the customers.

The cars lined our street. People anxious to get stuff so they can pile it in their homes or sell it on line. The moving of items from one place to another. Lives reduced to managing stuff.

John Stott wrote, “Simplicity is the first cousin of contentment. Its motto is, ‘We brought nothing into this world, and we can certainly carry nothing out.’ It recognizes that we are pilgrims. It concentrates us on what we need, and measures this by what we use. It rejoices in the good things of creation, but hates waste and greed and clutter. It knows how easily the seed of the Word is smothered by the ‘cares and riches of this life.’ It wants to be free of distractions, in order to love and serve God and others.”

Now I will be honest with you. I like stuff too. I enjoy my car, my TV, my ipad you know…stuff. But…I must be careful that these items don’t start to control me and then one day…yes one day my children only remember me by the stuff and the few dollars they made from a yard sale.

So take a moment to give thanks for a loving God that has provided this day for you. A Savior that has secured tomorrow through sacrifice. Take a moment to lift someone up and allow yourself to be lifted up. Ask God for the essentials that we need but to allow us the joy of the morning. See you on the path…and you may need to push some of the clutter aside so you can keep moving.

via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/02/17/stuff/


I had an individual in my office the other day struggling with some very difficult issues. The comment was made, “Pastor I believe in God but… only about 90%.” She was a little confused by my laughter in fact she said, “What is so funny? This is serious.”

I apologized and affirmed it was a very serious matter. But the laughter was not about her it was actually a response to the percentage. I went on to confess that if only the rest of the Christian fellowship believed 90% we would have already changed the world for Christ.

In my office hangs a serigraph of Jesus Christ done by Harry Krug, a professor from my first university. It is called “Night Premonitions” and depicts Christ struggling with a web and behind there appears to be a cross and a tomb. Now you can decide what you want about the presentation but to me its the struggle of faith, even of our Lord and Savior.

Life pulls on us in so many directions. We are haunted by loss, grief, frustration, the ills of our world, the groaning of people all around and the needs seem so tremendous. We struggle with all these things and then we say, “I believe but…”

Brigid of Ireland said, “I would like the angles of Heaven to be among us. I would like an abundance of peace. I would like full vessels of charity, I would like rich treasures of mercy. I would like cheerfulness to preside over all. I would like Jesus to be present.”

Dear God grant us faith to move forward today. I would “like” a lot of things and I don’t even ask for 90% I ask for whatever You will grant me so I can stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Dear Savior all I ask is for you to be “present” in my todays and my tomorrows. See you on the path. Amen.

via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/02/16/faith-2/

Broken Heart

In the hall outside of our Sanctuary we have a station that houses an instrument to be used in case of heart attack. Each day I pass a symbol, which is attached to the case, that alerts members and visitors here is where to go in case of an emergency. Every day it causes me to pause and remember Luke 2:33-35 which reads, “And the child’s father and mother were amazed at what was being said about him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to his mother Mary, ‘This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many…and a sword shall pierce your own soul too.’”

What pierces your heart today? An illness, a loss, a friend’s struggle, a child’s anger and resentment of boundaries? Where do you need comfort today? Take a moment to remember the love of our Savior and His sacrifice for you. With His love you can make it today.

Let us pray…Dear God for our mothers and fathers we lift up our thanks without them we would not be here. For those who have taught us along the way. For our counselors, pastors, and teachers who have shared their faith, their knowledge their structure. For those who say “yes” to our Savior, who have their lives pierced so we can grow closer to You our God we say “thank you.” Dear God be with us today on this path. Amen.

via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/02/13/broken-heart/

Christian Meditation?

Many of you have asked and continue to ask about Christian meditation. I did say I would be adding another area for you to follow me in regards to contemplative prayer. But just to help you keep on the path let me throw out a few points for you to consider.

First: There has never been an official designation in church history called “Christian meditation.” For the early church sisters and brothers their methods of meditating varied from one to the next. But…when you look at the various ways they spend time in contemplation you will discover some similarities. (That is what we will talk about in another blog).

Second: Which means as you start looking at the guidelines, I will give you, this will help you to settle into your own way of contemplating, of…meditating, of opening your life to the Savior.

Third: The first major task for any of you considering adding contemplation to your daily routine of prayer, Bible study and reading is to…sit still, with your back straight and your eyes closed saying, as the child Samuel did (3:4), “Here I am Lord.”

Fourth you might want to start reading some material of the early writers on contemplation. Such reading along with worship and prayer prepare us for contemplation, for this wonderful mystical experience with God. Start with some of the legendary figures such as Meister Eckhart, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross, the Cloud of Unknowing, Thomas Merton, and of course James Finley and his books on meditation.

Dorothy Day is quoted as saying, “We have to create an environment where it is easier to be good.” So take some time to create an environment of contemplation, to pause and look at what is important in your life, what gets first place. So for all of us it would be great to sit quietly, read a little, pray some, worship and then we will continue on this hala halak (meditation path). I will be happy to stand with as a brother in Christ as we contemplate the goodness, the greatness, the wonder and mystery of our God. (Okay enough of that I will let you know when the other blog is available and will get back to our regular discussions). Stay on the path.

via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/02/12/christian-meditation/

Let the Thoughts Go…

How did it go last week with your meditation? Did you sit quietly for a few moments, breath deep, close your eyes and relax within the Lord? Did you take 1 minuet, 5 or maybe fifteen? Or was it just too hard to pause from your busy life for some time with God.

I have on my wall a poem written in the 9th century by an Irish monk. This is how it goes, “Pangur Ban, my cat, tis a like task we are at; hunting mice is his delight. Hunting words I sit all night.” Things haven’t changed much over the centuries. I too like that ancient religious sit looking, praying and asking God for the right words for a Sunday morning.

But here is my point. Your mind will always be wandering, searching, thinking, looking for ways to distract you from sitting and relaxing within the Lord. Allow the thoughts to come, to go, to flow just like Pangur Ban the cat. You can’t stop them so just allow them to come and go then you can be with God.

So today, sit straight, feet flat on the floor, take a deep breath, close your eyes and let God be with you. Gandhi said, “Prayer is not an old woman’s idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.”

Lord here we are, waiting for you open our spirits to receive your instruction and strength. But most of all be with us, restore us and give us rest. Amen.

via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/02/11/let-the-thoughts-go/

Look to the Trees…

For many of you winter is still a very real fact. Here in Fresno the fruit and nut tress are starting to blossom. Desert mother Amma Theodora wrote, “Let us strive to enter by the narrow gate. Just as the trees if they have not stood before the winter’s storms cannot bear fruit, so it is with us; this present age is a storm and it is only through many trials and temptations that we can obtain an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven.”

Our world is full of pain and loss. Children abandoned, wars, terrorists, murder, hate, prejudice the sins just pile one on the other. But…look to the trees. Winter storms, rain, sleet, freezing temperatures and fog all attempt to bring them and us down. But then comes spring and the blossoms appear as if to say, “Here we remain a testament of the Father’s love for His creation.”

Okay here is the deal. I expect you to do something today. I expect you to “blossom” in someone’s life. Send a card, an email, drop by to visit a sick brother or sister in Christ. Let them know that one day we will rise with Him like spring after winter.

“May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you: wherever he may send you; may he guide you through the wilderness: protect you through the storm; may he bring you home rejoicing: at the wonder he has shown you; may he bring you home rejoicing: once again into our doors.”

via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/02/10/look-to-the-trees/


Many people have asked me what the symbol is above the doors into our sanctuary. Actually it was originally in the first church on the west side of Fresno. The older members have told me it has stylized Chinese symbols around the central figure which is a cross. The message is that with Christ at the center of our lives we can “work, worship, play and pray.”

I had just read some portions of the apocryphal writing known as the Acts of Peter which made me pause and think of this sign in our church. He writes, “Unless you make what is right left, and what is left right, what is above into what is below, and what is behind into what is in front, you will not learn to know the Kingdom.”

Not totally sure what the writer was trying to say other than God will make things as they should be someday. But in the meantime we are called to feed the hungry, lift up the poor, welcome those that have been outcast and forgive those who have offended us. In order to make that happen God has to be at the center of your life. When that is a fact we can turn the world upside down for our Savior.

Its a winding path but together we can help others along the way. Take a moment today to pray, to worship, do a little work and most of all..play!


As I was working on my sermon for last week I was using the first sentence out of Genesis, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” I was again smacked with this fact: God is noted as creating everything but…silence. Point? Silence is part of God.

Some of you reading this blog are way ahead of me in your contemplative life. But for me over the last fifty years as I have grown in my centering walk I have come to appreciate silence and to acknowledge without it I would have no meditative life. As I have studied the Carthusian, Benedictine, the contemplative monasteries without walls, as I have reviewed, been led and practiced Self-Realization, as I have lived meditation as shepherd, counselor and therapist I have been made to learn about silence.

As I have lifted my life up to God through meditation and prayer I have gained an awareness of a growing and maturing relationship with the Divine in my everyday life. But this has only happened by allowing myself to be…silent. REMEBERING (and this has been very hard for me) I cannot make myself silent but must allow it to rise within me. The big question of course is how? Answer…through persistent meditation that allows activity to subside…at least for a few moments which gives permission to my soul to rest and opens me further to the Savior.

So…if this interests you sit straight, close your eyes, breath deep and be…silent. Don’t ask, don’t demand anything from God just let the memories, the thoughts, the anxiety flow and it will, if you allow it, then you can be open to the love, the care, and the silence of our God.

Okay I got carried away but if you are interested in hearing more on this subject please let me know. I will soon be adding a way for you to be directed to further information on walking with me on the contemplative path.

“May our feet skip with the mountains: as we sing and dance your praise.”

via WordPress http://halak.org/2015/02/05/silence/
