Mark’s Blog #1
Sunday School Kick Off
Register for VBS April 17th
VBS registration opens soon. Click the link for the registration form.
Spring Newsletter
Check out our Spring newsletter for all the Easter events.
VBS 2016
Join us at First Chinese Baptist Church for our
Cross Culture VBS 2016
“Dig In” and Save the week of
July 11th – 15th 2016
6:00p.m. – 8:30p.m.
Hope that you can join us because we love to spend the week with you.
Registration opens on April 17th, 2016
Washed Away…Rejoice!
We had quite a rain storm with flooded streets and mud all around. I was attempting to get into my car when I looked up and there it was…a rainbow! Wasn’t terribly bright was rather subdued. But that didn’t matter the message was there just the same.
Fourth-century bishop Gregory of Nyssa wrote, “God has imprinted the image of good things of His own nature on creation. But, sin in spreading out over the divine likeness, has caused this good to disappear, covering it with shameful garments. But if by life rightly led, you washed away the mud that has been put on your heart, the Godlike beauty will again shine in you.”
Today why not shine! Let the mud of anger, resentment, jealousy and depression just wash away. Let God’s light shine through you this day. He loves you, He likes you. We are His children rejoice!
As you walk the path today remember you are forgiven. So…maybe today is the day you invite someone back into your life. Invite them to church knowing that we, you and I, ourselves would be lost without His grace.
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