Some of you have written and asked about the banner at the top of this blog. It is a picture of a stained glass window from our sanctuary. Our congregation designed the windows that depict the various “I Ams” from the Bible and then had them created in stained glass. If you are ever in the vicinity you should come and walk the path around our worship center to see them. They are beautiful. But after saying that a thought occurred: why not travel the first few days of Lent by looking at our windows digitally and meditate on their content as well. So here goes join with me as we look at the “I Ams”.
Window One: “I Am Who I Am,” Exodus 3:14 In the book of Exodus we read how Moses, a man chosen by God to lead Israel, observes a bush aflame with a brilliant and dazzling fire, yet it is not burned or consumed. Out of this bush comes a voice of God commanding Moses to lead his people from Egypt. Moses asks, “Who shall I say sent me, what is his name?” To his question God replies, “Tell them that I AM WHO I AM.”
This spiritual divine revelation serves both to provide information but also to hide. God is encouraging us to read further, to come closer, so He can reveal more and more of Himself. But…that doesn’t happen unless we stop, stand on Holy ground and worship.
Sixteenth-century mystic Teresa of Avila said, “Prayer, in my view, is nothing but friendly intercourse and frequent solitary converse with him who we know loves us.”
As you continue your Lenten journey stop today and marvel at a God that wants to have a relationship with you. Take time from your day to praise, to worship, to enjoy this creation. “Hallelujah! Happy are they who fear the Lord…” (Psalm 112:1).
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