No Idea…

I was going through the photos on my phone and came across this one. I have no idea what it is. But was intrigued by the design how it seems to twirl and draw you in. (Actually believe I was taking a shot at some fog through the car window and this was the result. No I was not driving).

Now as I looked at this digital image the Christian Japanese pacifist, critical thinker, innovator and even sometime gardener Toyhiko Kagawa came to mind. He said, “I read in a book that a man called Christ went about doing good. It is very disconcerting to me that I am so easily satisfied with just going about.”

I struggled with why that quote came to mind as I gazed at a distorted image. Then it started to trickle down, down, down into my thinking. We get so involved with ourselves. The “going about” the spiral of our daily routine and rarely stop to “do” something for someone else. Today let us shout with the Psalmist, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord!” (Psalm 118:17) Amen.

Today someone will need you to pause, to pray, to stand with them on the path. You can “do” this!

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