June 8
Read 2 Tim. 2:15; Col. 1:28; Dan. 2:47; Phil. 1:14; 2 Cor. 4:13
Lord, today I lift up our Christian Education, our children, and our teachers. May everyone who holds that position—pastors, Sunday school teachers, and HBF leaders—rightly divine Your word of truth. Let them admonish and teach with wisdom. Reveal the mysteries of Your word to them and encourage them to speak those mysteries courageously and fearlessly.
Heavenly Father, May your people in the hard places not lose heart (2 Cor. 4). May they be strengthened with might through your Spirit in their inner person (Ephesians 3:16). May their roots go down deep in your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:7). And may they grow strong in the power of your might (Ephesians 5:10-18).