Some of you have written me asking about the chalice I have in my office. Some time ago I blogged about this gift I received from a past member and which I have used in our special Maundy and Good Friday communion services for the last eighteen years.
To answer your questions “yes” the room has started to smell of roses and “yes” the chalice still has a substance at the bottom which seems never to leave. Why? I don’t know. First I’m a protestant and we don’t put much stock in such things. Second the chalice is made of polished marble so there is no seepage or weeping involved. All I know is it was a gift from a very dedicated Christian before his death and this interesting residue remains with a scent.
I do know roses appear in accounts from all the world’s major religions as a symbol of miraculous love at work in the world. Muslims view roses as symbols of the human soul, Hindus and Buddhists see roses as expressions of spiritual joy. Roses have long served as symbols of the Virgin Mary, the “mystic rose.”
Pastor aren’t you interested in what it is? Nope. Pastor why don’t you have some analysis done? Nope. Why not? I take it for what it is…a symbol of my Lord Jesus Christ’s passion, love and sacrifice for me and you. “While we were still your enemies, Lord Jesus Christ, you suffered and died for us, winning the victory over death for our sakes. Give us grace to lift you up as we follow the way of your cross so that all people may be drawn unto you.” Amen.
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